Declaration: working with this concern

Truth and Integrity : working with this concern

QTIG welcomes your  upholding.  Many thanks to all those Friends who have written to express your support.

There are several ways you might become more directly engaged, without the necessity of spending hours in committee meetings.

1.    Send the Declaration to your local MP – of whatever party

As an AM, an LM or simply as an individual, you can send the Declaration (found on the QTIG Homepage) to your MP, along with  letter.  Some points that might be conveyed include:

  • The Declaration illustrates the depth of concern among Quakers about the state of truth and integrity in public affairs in Britain.
  • You  regard the enhancement of truth and integrity as vital for the preservation of democracy.
  • You  would welcome any ways in which truth and integrity, along the lines of the Nolan Principles, could be more formally enshrined in legislation and Parliamentary practice.
  • The Declaration seeks to shine light on the good and explore avenues for cooperation with other bodies, and we would welcome any expressions of support.
  • One means of doing so will be the new Quaker Truth & Integrity Award.

2.    Engaging with Truth and Integrity in you local community

As an AM or LM, you  can choose to recognise examples of truth and integrity in your local community – as QTIG does on a national level, simply by writing letters of acknowledgement.  Examples may be found in everyday life.  One Friend was struck by how her garage refused to undertake work ‘off the books’, ensuring that every transaction was recorded and thus eligible for VAT.  There will be other examples of truth and integrity found in your local community – teachers, traffic wardens, community councillors, on local radio stations and in local newspapers where an individual or a group has acted with probity.  As local Quakers you can acknowledge this, and help shine a light on the good.