QTIG General election material

QTIG election briefing pack:

The following documents are available:

General Election leaflet  https://files.quaker.app/hv66yv

General Election leaflet final section 1 - Intro https://files.quaker.app/4z6ztc

General Election leaflet final section 2 - Nolan principles https://files.quaker.app/1xtrw1

General Election leaflet final section 3  - Things you can do https://files.quaker.app/xv1gp1

General Election leaflet final section 4  - What we are asking https://files.quaker.app/rc79yc

General Election leaflet final - Resources https://files.quaker.app/zz57yz

General Election leaflet final - How to use https://files.quaker.app/1a6kwg


The election of many new MPs offers an opportunity for initiating a continuing relationship. Advice about this may be found here: https://files.quaker.app/fs89dw